Small Stream

Small Stream

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Hello and Welcome!

Well this is first ever Blog post!

I do follow alot of blogs both in the UK and overseas, and speaking to a fellow blogger just the other day (i can say fellow blogger as im now officially a Blogger) he made an interesting point; he finds having a blog is a great source of reference material, weather conditions, tactics etc can all be referenced back to suit any given day. I like it, so hear i am.

My angling adventures have seen me dabble in various Fly Fishing methods; most recently ive taken the plunge and invested in a Tenkara setup. Initially i was sceptical about the method, was it just another craze that would come and go and make a few people some money? Time will tell i guess but what i can say is my experience of it so far has been excellent, infact its a lethal method and definitley has its place.

So here i am - a dedicated Tenkara Blog, i will update as i go forth in my Tenkara adventures and hope to share experiences with like minded Tenkara lovers!

For now, and to conclude my FIRST EVER BLOG POST...tight lines.